
Name: ID:


Number of standard "drinks" per week: drinks

Your drinking relative to American adults (same sex): percentile


Estimated Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) peaks:
in a typical week: mg
on a heavier day of drinking: mg


Tolerance Level:
Low (0 -60) Medium (61 -120) High (121-180) Very High (181 +)
Other Drug Risk:
Low Medium High
Family Risk:

Low: 0 - 1 Medium: 2 - 3 High: 4 - 6 Very High: 7 +

MacAndrew Sore:
Normal Range: 0 - 23 Medium Risk: 24 - 29 High Risk: 30 +
Age at onset: years

Under 25 - Higher Risk 25 - 39 Medium Risk40 + Lower Risk


Severity of Problems

Low Medium High Very High

AUDIT 0-7 8-15 16-25 26-40


Your Score:


DRINC: Ever happened Low Medium High Very High

55-60 61 -75 76-90 91+


Your Score:

(Additional information on attached sheet.)



SGOT (AST): Normal range: 5 - 35

GGTP (GGT): Normal range: 0 - 30 Low Normal 31 - 50 High Normal

51 + Elevated I Abnormal

SGPT (ALT): Normal range: 7 - 56

Uric Acid: Normal range: 2.6 - 5.6

Bilirubin: Normal range: .2 - 1.2


Well Well

Above Above Below Below

Average Average Average Average Average

SV 1 2 3 4 5

TMTA 1 2 3 4 5

TMTB 1 2 3 4 5

SYDM 1 2 3 4 5

SHVA 1 2 3 4 5


Understanding Your Personal Feedback Report

The Personal Feedback Report summarizes results from your pre
treatment evaluation. Your therapist has explained these to you. This
information is to help you understand the written report you have
received and to remember what your therapist told you.

Your report consists of two sheets. The first sheet provides information from your pretreatment interviews. Attached to this is a second sheet summarizing your answers to a questionnaire, the Alcohol Use Inventory. The following information is presented section by section to help you understand what your results mean.


Your               The first line in this section shows the number of drinks that you

Drinking    reported having in a typical drinking week. Because different alcohol

beverages vary in their strength, we have converted your regular

drinking pattern into standard "one drink" units. In this system, one

drink is equal to:


ONE STANDARD DRINK IS: 4 ounces of table wine (12 percent alcohol) or


WINE · 2.5 ounces of fortified wine (sherry, port, etc.) (20 percent alcohol) or


BEER - 10 ounces of beer (5 percent alcohol) or


80 PROOF LIQUOR - 1.25 ounces of 80 proof liquor (40 percent alcohol) or


100 PROOF LIQUOR - 1 ounce of 100 proof liquor (50 percent alcohol)


All of these drinks contain the same amount of the same kind of alcohol: one-half ounce of pure ethyl alcohol.

This first piece of information, then, tells you how many of these standard drinks you have been consuming per week of drinking, according to what you reported in your interview. (If you have not been drinking for a period of time recently, this refers to your pattern of drinking before you stopped.)

To give you an idea of how this compares with the drinking of American adults in general, the second number in section 1 is a
percentile figure. This tells you what percentage of U.S. men (if you area man) or women (if you are a woman) drink less than you reported drinking in a typical week of drinking. If this number were 60, for example, it would mean that your drinking is higher than 60 percent of Americans of your sex (or that 40 percent drink as much as you reported, or more).


How much is too much? It depends on many factors. Current research indicates that people who average three or more standard drinks per day have much higher risk of health and social problems. For some people, however, even 1-2 drinks per day would be too many. Pregnant women, for example, are best advised to abstain from alcohol altogether, because even small amounts of regular drinking have been found to increase risk for the unborn child. Certain health problems (such as liver disease) make even moderate drinking unsafe. Some people find that they are unable to drink moderately, and having even one or two drinks leads to intoxication.


Your total number of drinks per week tells only part of the story. It is not healthy, for example, to have 12 drinks per week by saving them all up for Saturdays. Neither is it safe to have even a few drinks and then drive. This raises the important question of level of intoxication.

2. Level of A second way of looking at your past drinking is to ask what level of
Intoxication intoxication you have been reaching. It is possible to estimate the
amount of alcohol that would be circulating in your bloodstream, based
on the pattern of drinking your reported. Blood alcohol concentration
(BAC) is an important indication of the extent to which alcohol would
be affecting your body and behavior. It is used by police and the courts,
for example, to determine whether a driver is too impaired to operate
a motor vehicle.
To understand better what BAC means, consider the list of common
effects of different levels of intoxication.

Common Effects of Different Levels of Intoxication

20-60 mgr/o This is the "normal" social drinking range. NOTE: Driving, even at these levels, is unsafe.


80 mg% Memory, judgment, and perception are impaired. Legally intoxicated in some States.


100 mg% Reaction time and coordination of movement are affected. Legally intoxicated in all States.


150 mg% Vomiting may occur in normal drinkers; balance is often impaired.


200 mg% Memory "blackout" may occur, causing loss of recall for events occurring while intoxicated.


300 mg% Unconsciousness in a normal person, though some remain conscious at levels in excess of 600 mg% if tolerance is very high.


400-500 mg% Fatal dose for a normal person, though some survive higher levels if tolerance is very high.


The two figures shown in section 2 are computer-calculated estimates of your highest (peak) BAC level during a typical week of drinking and during one of your heaviest days of drinking.


It is important to realize that there is no known "safe" level of intoxication when driving or engaging in other potentially hazardous activities (such as swimming, boating, hunting, and operating tools or machinery). Blood alcohol levels as low as 40-60 mg% can decrease crucial abilities. Adding to the danger, drinkers typically do not realize that they are impaired. The only safe BAC when driving is zero. If you must drive after drinking, plan to allow enough time for all of the alcohol to be eliminated from your body before driving. The tables below can be helpful in determining how long it takes to eliminate alcohol completely:

Approximate hours from first drink to zero alcohol concentration levels for men

120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
1 2 2 2 1.5 1 1 1 1
' Number 2 4 3.5 3 3 2.5 2 2 2
of 3 6 5 4.5 4 3.5 3.5 3 3
Drinks 4 8 7 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5
5 10 8.5 7.5 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5

One drink = 10 oz of beer or 4 oz of wine or 1 oz of liquor (100 proof)

Approximate hours from first drink to zero alcohol concentration levels for women

1 3 2.5 2 2 2 1.5 1.5 1

Number 2 6 5 4 4 3.5 3 3 2.5

of 3 9 7.5 6.5 5.5 5 4.5 4 4

Drinks 4 12 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.5 6 5.5 5

5 15 12 10.5 9.5 8 7.5 7 6

One drink = 10 oz of beer or 4 oz of wine or 1 oz of liquor (100 proof)

Risk Factors It is clear that some people have a much higher risk of alcohol and other drug problems. This section provides you with some information about your own level of risk, based on your personal characteristics. "High risk" does not mean that one will definitely have serious problems with alcohol or other drugs. Neither does "low risk" mean that one will be free of such problems. High-risk people, however, have greater chances of developing serious problems.


Tolerance Your peak BAC levels, given in section 2, are one reasonably good

reflection of your level of tolerance for alcohol. If you are reaching BAC

levels beyond the normal social drinking range (especially if you are

not feeling some of the normal effects of lower BACs), it means that

you have a higher tolerance for alcohol. This is partly hereditary and

partly the result of changes in the body that occur with heavier

drinking. Some people are proud of this tolerance-the ability "to hold

your liquor"-and think it means they are not being harmed by alcohol.


Actually, the opposite is true. Tolerance for alcohol may be a serious

risk factor for alcohol problems. The person with a high tolerance for

alcohol reaches high BAC levels, which can damage the brain and

other organs of the body but has no built-in warning that it is happen

ing. Tolerance is not a protection against being harmed by drinking;

to the contrary, it makes damage more likely because of the false

confidence that it encourages. It is a bit like a person who has no sense

of pain. Pain is an important warning signal. People who feel no pain

can seriously injure themselves without realizing it. It is the same with

people who have a high tolerance for alcohol.


Many people believe that tolerance ("holding your liquor") means that

a person gets rid of alcohol at a faster rate than others. Although people

do differ in how quickly their bodies can clear alcohol, tolerance has

more to do with actually being at a high blood alcohol level and not

feeling it.


Other Drug Use A person who uses other drugs besides alcohol runs several additional

risks. Decreased use of one drug may simply result in the increased

use of another. The effects of different drugs can multiply when they

are taken together, with dangerous results. A tolerance to one drug

can increase tolerance to another, and it is common for multiple drug

users to become addicted to several drugs. The use of other drugs, then,

increases your risk for serious problems. Based on the lifetime drug

use that you reported during your interview, your risk in this regard

was judged to be low, medium, or high.


Family Risk People who have a family history of alcohol or other drug problems

among their blood relatives clearly are at higher risk themselves. The

exact reason for this higher risk is unknown, but it appears that the

risk is inherited to an important extent. People may inherit a higher

tolerance for alcohol or a body that is particularly sensitive to alcohol

in certain ways. In any event, a family history of alcohol problems
increases personal risk.

Personality Pattern Although there is no single personality style associated with alcohol
and drug problems, certain patterns are linked to higher risk. One
questionnaire you completed-the MacAndrew Scale-measures this
particular kind of risk. People who score higher on this scale as
teenagers, for example, have been found to have higher risk for
developing serious problems with alcohol in adulthood.

Age at Onset Recent research indicates that the younger a person is when drinking
problems start, the greater the person's risk for developing serious
consequences and dependence. Although serious problems can occur
at any time of life, a younger beginning does represent a significant
risk factor.
Negative Consequences From your pretreatment interview, two scores were calculated to
 reflect the current overall severity of your negative consequences from drinking.

AUDIT The AUDIT is a scale devised by the World Health Organization to evaluate a person's problematic involvement with alcohol. Higher scores reflect recent problems related to drinking.


DRINC Another way to look at risks and effects of drinking is to add up alcohol's negative effects throughout one's lifetime. Your score on this scale reflects the extent to which your drinking has had negative effects over the course of your life thus far. The higher your score, the more harm has resulted from your drinking.

Blood Tests Your pretreatment evaluation also included a blood sample. These
particular blood tests were chosen because they have been shown in
previous research to be negatively affected by heavy drinking. You
should realize that normal results on these tests do not guarantee that
you are in good health (for example, that your liver is functioning
completely normally). An abnormal score on one or more of these tests,
however, probably reflects unhealthy changes in your body resulting
from excessive use of alcohol and/or other drugs.

Research indicates that modestly abnormal scores on the blood tests
reported here will often show improvement and a return to normal
range when harmful drinking and other drug use patterns are
changed. The longer one continues drinking, however, the more diffi
cult it is to reverse the physical damage.

These tests are directly related to how the liver is working. Your liver is extremely important to your health. It is involved in producing energy, and it filters and neutralizes impurities and poisons in your bloodstream. Alcohol damages the liver, and after a long period of heavy drinking, parts of the liver begin to die. This is the process of cirrhosis, but physical changes in the liver can be caused by drinking long before cirrhosis appears. As the liver becomes damaged, it begins to leak enzymes into the blood and is less efficient in doing its work. This can be reflected in abnormally elevated values on the tests reported in this section.


Elevated values on any of these tests should be taken seriously. They do not happen by chance and are very likely related to physical changes in the body caused by excessive drinking. Consult a physician who is knowledgeable about the effects of alcohol on the body.


Neuropsychological Tests


Some of the earliest damaging effects of drinking may be seen in

certain types of abilities that are affected by alcohol. Certain patterns
of brain impairment have been shown to be especially related to heavy
drinking. The brain is very vulnerable to alcohol, and over a long span
of time, a substantial amount of damage can occur in a heavy drinker.
(Brain impairment from the use of certain other drugs has also been

Such damage occurs gradually. In later stages, it can be seen in x rays
of the brain, which show actual shrinkage and other changes in shape
and density. Long before this occurs, however, harmful changes in
brain functioning can be measured by psychological tests, several of
which you completed. Research indicates that such negative effects
can often be reversed, sometimes completely, if the individual stops or
reduces drinking.

The four tests included in section 6 have been found to be related to
heavy drinking. For comparison purposes, we include one test (SV)
that is not usually affected by drinking to give you an idea of where
your scores might normally be expected to fall. People who are heavy
drinkers tend to score more poorly (higher) on the four alcohol-sensi
tive tests (TMTA, TMTB, SYDM, and SHVA) than on SV.
A high score on any one scale is not necessarily reason for concern.
There are many reasons why a single score might be elevated. A
pattern of elevated scores, however, resembles the kinds of problems
that emerge among excessive drinkers. Studies of individuals cur
rently in treatment for alcohol problems consistently show impair
ment on these measures.

Alcohol's effects on the brain have sometimes been described as "pre
mature aging." The abnormal changes in the brain of a heavy drinker
do resemble normal changes that occur with advanced age. For this reason, your scores reflected above take into account your present age. Scores of 4 or 5 represent below-average performance relative to others in your age group.

The Alcohol      You completed a longer questionnaire that asked in detail about your
Use Inventory   drinking. This questionnaire has been given to thousands of people
seeking treatment for alcohol problems. Based on your answers, scores were obtained, and these are shown on the Alcohol Use Inventory Profile section of your Personal Feedback Report.


Notice that each score falls into one of three ranges. The white .range
indicates a low score, the
light grey range is for medium scores, and
dark grey range reflects high scores-compared to other people in
treatment for alcohol problems.
If, for example, your score for the
"Quantity" scale (#13) was in the medium (light grey) range, it would
mean that you drink about an average amount
for people already
receiuing treatment for alcohol problems.
This would be far above the
average amount of drinking for Americans in general.
Here are brief reminders of what each scale means. If you want to
discuss your results in more detail, contact your therapist.

The first four scales reflect possible reasons for excessive drinking. A
high score on one of these scales may indicate a way in which you have
come to depend on alcohol. In order to be free of alcohol problems, it
would be important to find other ways of dealing with these areas of
your life.

Social Improvement Drinking
People who score in the medium or high range on this scale tend to be
social drinkers. They may use alcohol to relax and feel more comfort
able around others, to be friendly, or to enjoy social events more. They
might have difficulty knowing how to handle their social lives without

Mental Improvement Drinking
Those who score medium or high on this scale tend to like the way
alcohol changes their
thinking or mental state. They indicate that
when they drink they feel more creative or alert, work better, or see
the world in more enjoyable ways.

Managing Mood With Drinking

On this scale, medium or high scores indicate people who use alcohol to change how they feel. They drink to forget, to feel less anxious or depressed, or to escape from unpleasant moods. Without alcohol, they might experience difficulty coping with their own emotions.


Marital Coping by Drinking


(If you are not married, you will have no score here.) People who score in the medium or high range on this scale report that they drink because of problems in their marriage.

Styles of     The next three scales reflect different styles of using alcohol. Low
Drinking     scores on these scales describe a different style of drinking but do not
                           mean that there are no problems.

Gregarious Drinking
A medium or high score indicates a preference for drinking around
other people. Those who prefer to drink alone score low on this scale.

Compulsive Drinking
Medium and high scores on scale 6 indicate a close attachment to
alcohol. Such people tend to think about alcohol a lot, keep a supply
handy, and drink in a "compulsive," predictable style.

Sustained Drinking
People who score in the medium and high range on this scale tend to
be regular, steady drinkers, drinking every day or most days. Those
who score lower on this scale are not such steady drinkers but have
periods of drinking and nondrinking.

Consequences Scales 8-12 reflect possible negative consequences of drinking. Higher
scores on these scales reflect more problems, compared with people
already in treatment for alcohol problems.
Thus, a person with a lower
score may still have some problems but fewer than most people now
in treatment for alcohol problems.

Loss of Control
One kind of difficulty that people can have is that they lose control of
themselves when drinking. They get into trouble, arguments, or fights.
They may do embarrassing things or hurt themselves or other people.
They may not remember things that happened while drinking (black

outs) or may drink until they become unconscious. Medium and high scores indicate these kinds of problems.


Role Problems


Drinking can also cause social difficulties, such as problems at work or school, and conflicts with the law. Medium and high scores indicate that alcohol is seriously interfering with social functioning.



If people continue to drink heavily over a period of time, they may develop a pattern of physical dependence on alcohol. A number of changes occur, usually gradually, that make it more difficult for a person to live without alcohol. This can include actual addiction to alcohol, so that the person becomes uncomfortable or even ill when stopping or cutting down drinking. Medium to high scores on this scale reflect some of the more serious signs of addiction to alcohol. For example, stopping drinking can result in hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not really there) or fuzzy thinking.


Hangovers are actually a form of alcohol withdrawal, the body's "rebound" reaction to alcohol. Medium or high scores on scale 11 reflect some of these signs of addiction to alcohol: feeling shaky or sick to the stomach, feeling your heart racing, having a seizure, or feeling hot or cold flashes when sobering up.

Marital Problems

People who score in the medium or high range of scale 12 report that they are having problems in their marriage because of their drinking. (If you are not married, this scale will be blank.)


Personal How much do you recognize and acknowledge problems with drinking?


Concern This is what scales 13-17 describe.

Quantity of Drinking

Scale 13 is a rough indicator of the amount you said you have been drinking. (Section 1 of your Personal Feedback Report is a more accurate indication.) Remember that this is in comparison to other people seeking treatment for alcohol problems.


To what extent have you felt guilty about your drinking or worried about what it is doing to you and those around you? Medium and high scores reflect more of this kind of concern.


Help Before


To what extent have you sought help for your drinking before coming to this program? The more things you have tried before, the higher this score will be.




To what extent do you feel ready and willing to receive help for your drinking? Medium and high scores reflect greater willingness to accept help.




To what extent are you aware of problems being caused by your drinking? Medium and high scores indicate recognition of more serious problems.


Second Order Scales Scores A through F are summaries. They do not contain new informa

                                     tion but rather combine information from scales 1-17. Nevertheless,

                                     they are useful as overall problem indicators.


Enhancement Drinking


Medium and high scores on this scale reflect drinking to cope, to

enhance your life, or to get what you perceive to be the benefits of

drinking. To the extent that this score is high, there would be some

challenges to face in changing your drinking, because you have relied

on alcohol for these purposes. Scales 1-5 show you where you may have

relied most on alcohol to enhance your life.


Obsessive Drinking


Medium and high scores on this scale indicate what are often thought

of as classic "alcoholic" drinking patterns. The drinking of high scorers

on this scale tends to be steady and "driven," occupying much of the

person's time and energy. High scorers think about drinking quite a

bit and will go to considerable lengths to make sure they can drink. It

has become a central part of their lives.


Both of these two scales report the extent to which life has been disrupted by drinking. Medium and high scores indicate serious symptoms and problems resulting from drinking.


Anxious Concern


Medium and high scores on this scale indicate worry, anxiety, or concern about drinking, as well as alcohol's negative effects on the person's emotional life.

Recognition and Awareness

Medium and high scores here indicate a recognition of a need for change in drinking and/or willingness to get help with drinking.


General Finally, the Alcohol Involvement Scale is one general indicator of the overall severity of alcohol problems. The higher this score, the more serious and severe the alcohol problems. Remember that scores are low, medium, or high in relation to people already in treatment for alcohol problems.

Summary Your Personal Feedback Report summarizes a large amount of information that you provided during your pretreatment interviews. Sometimes this information can seem surprising or even discouraging. The best use of feedback like this is to consider it as you decide what, if anything, you will do about your drinking. Many of the kinds of problems covered in your Personal Feedback Report do improve when heavy drinking is stopped. What you do with this information is up to you. Your report is designed to give you a clear picture of where you are at present so that you can make good decisions about where you want to go from here.