Thank you for your enrollment in this Institute of Addiction Awareness
We hope you will enjoy your participation in this course.
1. Read course text.
2. Take Post Test using Answer Sheet.
3. Verify Post Test responses by reviewing course text.
4. Complete this form (return original - keep a copy for your files).
5. Mail or FAX to:
    Institute of Addiction Awareness
    190 Red Rock Trail
    Sedona, AZ 86336
    FAX 928-550-4926 (must FAX both pages)
INFORMATION: The following information is necessary for the issuance
of your certificate.
                             PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT NEATLY!

Course Title ______________________________________

Date Started ____________

Name          _________________________________________

Address       ___________________________________________


Phone: home ___________________ work _____________________

Lic.: Type _____________ # _____________

Cert.: Type ______________ # ____________

Email:  _______________________________

Firm:   _______________________________

EVALUATION: Please evaluate your course using this scale:
1=below average 2=average 3=above average 4=excellent
1 2 3 4 The extent to which this course met the objectives (see catalog).
1 2 3 4 The adequacy of the instructor's (author) mastery of the subject.
1 2 3 4 The utilization of appropriate teaching methods (HOMESTUDY).
1 2 3 4 Efficiency of course mechanics (mail order procedures).
1 2 3 4 The applicability or usability of new information.

Additional Comments:




Please allow IAA 10 working days for the processing of your certificate.
If you need more rapid processing see OVERNITE FAX-BACK below.
Courses completion date(s) are the date FAXed or postmarked to IAA.
No duplicate certificates issued after 60 days from completion without
additional fee.
(    ) Return certificate by mail (to address above)
(    ) Return certificate by FAX to: (      )  _________________________
(    ) FAX BACK service - your exam scored and certificate
       FAXED next business day - \$10.00 surcharge 

NOTE: There is a $5.00 surcharge for mail and FAX service outside the USA.

Credit Card  (   ) VISA   (  ) MC   (  ) AMEX   (  ) DISCOVER

Card # ___________________________

Exp. Date ________________________

Authorized Signature __________________________________

(    ) US NAVY/MARINE personnel - check here to receive required
       critique form.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Page 2 - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

       Post Test Answer Sheet - Circle Correct Answers
01.  a  b  c  d    26. a  b  c  d    51. a  b  c  d    76. a  b  c  d
02.  a  b  c  d    27. a  b  c  d    52. a  b  c  d    77. a  b  c  d
03.  a  b  c  d    28. a  b  c  d    53. a  b  c  d    78. a  b  c  d
04.  a  b  c  d    29. a  b  c  d    54. a  b  c  d    79. a  b  c  d
05.  a  b  c  d    30. a  b  c  d    55. a  b  c  d    80. a  b  c  d
06.  a  b  c  d    31. a  b  c  d    56. a  b  c  d    81. a  b  c  d
07.  a  b  c  d    32. a  b  c  d    57. a  b  c  d    82. a  b  c  d
08.  a  b  c  d    33. a  b  c  d    58. a  b  c  d    83. a  b  c  d
09.  a  b  c  d    34. a  b  c  d    59. a  b  c  d    84. a  b  c  d
10.  a  b  c  d    35. a  b  c  d    60. a  b  c  d    85. a  b  c  d
11.  a  b  c  d    36. a  b  c  d    61. a  b  c  d    86. a  b  c  d
12.  a  b  c  d    37. a  b  c  d    62. a  b  c  d    87. a  b  c  d
13.  a  b  c  d    38. a  b  c  d    63. a  b  c  d    88. a  b  c  d
14.  a  b  c  d    39. a  b  c  d    64. a  b  c  d    89. a  b  c  d
15.  a  b  c  d    40. a  b  c  d    65. a  b  c  d    90. a  b  c  d
16.  a  b  c  d    41. a  b  c  d    66. a  b  c  d    91. a  b  c  d
17.  a  b  c  d    42. a  b  c  d    67. a  b  c  d    92. a  b  c  d
18.  a  b  c  d    43. a  b  c  d    68. a  b  c  d    93. a  b  c  d
19.  a  b  c  d    44. a  b  c  d    69. a  b  c  d    94. a  b  c  d
20.  a  b  c  d    45. a  b  c  d    70. a  b  c  d    95. a  b  c  d
21.  a  b  c  d    46. a  b  c  d    71. a  b  c  d    96. a  b  c  d
22.  a  b  c  d    47. a  b  c  d    72. a  b  c  d    97. a  b  c  d
23.  a  b  c  d    48. a  b  c  d    73. a  b  c  d    98. a  b  c  d
24.  a  b  c  d    49. a  b  c  d    74. a  b  c  d    99. a  b  c  d
25.  a  b  c  d    50. a  b  c  d    75. a  b  c  d    100 a  b  c  d

Statement: I certify that I have completed this independent study program
according to the instructions provided and that all work is my own.

Signature ____________________________ Date ___________

NOTE: Orders paid by personal check will be held for two weeks.